Growing Green on Mainstreet Project Summary
“Growing Green on Main Street” in Madison Village was completed July 31, 2016. Located in the Arcola Creek watershed, the project was a partnership between Madison Village, the Lake County Stormwater Management Department, Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District, and CT Consultants. The project was funded by the Ohio EPA’s Surface Water Improvement Fund (SWIF).
Growing Green on Main Street reduced stormwater runoff in Madison Village as a highly visible demonstration of how trees and infiltration can be used as low impact development practices and retrofits to address flooding and water quality issues. Nine bio-infiltration planters (855 square feet) were installed, seven trees plus shrubs/plants planted, and 1,469 square feet of pervious pavers were installed between the planters in the north side of Main Street in the central business block.
The roadside bioretention and rain gardens reduce runoff volume, filter pollutants, recharge groundwater by infiltration, reduce stormwater temperature impacts, increase evapotranspiration, enhance aesthetics, and provide habitat. The permeable pavers are an attractive, watershed-friendly way to capture and clean stormwater runoff. Permeable pavers are also a durable and environmentally sensitive alternative to conventional paving. The street trees reduce stormwater volume by intercepting the first 30% of precipitation through the leaves and drawing up water through their roots. They also treat stormwater by increasing water infiltration and percolation into the soil; at the same time they provide shade and other aesthetic benefits to the streetscape.