Do I Need A Permit?

Ponds & Dams
- If the primary purpose of the pond is irrigation, an NPDES permit is not needed. However, if the pond is at an animal feeding operation or is primarily for pollution control, then you must obtain one. Permits are needed for aquaculture ponds. For recreational ponds, if the construction area disturbs an acre or more, you must obtain a permit. The construction area includes spoil piles and roads/traffic areas.
- Construction of an embankment pond (dam) would require a construction permit from ODNR Division of Water. Dams exempt from the permit requirements of the law are listed in Ohio Revised Code (ORC)
1521.06 and include: * dams which are or will be less than ten feet in height and which have or will have a storage capacity of not more than fifty acre-feet at the elevation of the top of the dam, as determined by the Chief; * dams, regardless of height, which have or will have a storage capacity of not more than fifteen acre-feet at the elevation of the top of the dam, as determined by the Chief;
* dams, regardless of storage capacity, which are or will be six or less feet in height, as determined by the Chief;