Springbrook Gardens Park Wetland Restoration Phase II
The second phase of the Springbrook Gardens Park Restoration was recently completed in the Summer of 2022. The project is in the City of Mentor in the Marsh Creek watershed. The City partnered with Lake County Soil & Water Conservation District, and Chagrin River Watershed Partners. The project was funded by the EPA Section 319(h) grant program.
Wayside Gardens Ditch as it flowed through this former nursery property was channelized and had evolved into a steep channel with steep banks, which led to high velocity flows, water quality degradation and a lack of habitat on the project site. Phase 2 of the restoration project is located directly upstream of Phase one. This phase utilized bioengineering methods to restore 650 linear feet of stream channel and adjacent floodplain. Sinuosity was added to the stream channel and benches were excavated to give the stream access to its floodplain. Modified cross vanes and woody debris were installed in the channel to maintain the thalweg and stabilize the streambed elevation. The project included three invasive plant species treatments, planting of one acre of native riparian/wetland plant species, and planting of large trees to kickstart the canopy and provide wildlife habitat.