Living with Lake Erie as Your Neighbor: Rain Gardens 101 Rain gardens are attractive landscaped areas planted with perennial native plants that don’t mind getting “wet feet”, they are beautiful gardens, built in depressions, designed to capture and filter storm water...
Native Plants for the Home Landscape: Winter Sowing for Homegrown Native Seedlings Did you know that most common landscaping plants are non-native and provide little benefit to local wildlife? Do you want your home landscape to be a native plant oasis? Join us to...
Living with Lake Erie as Your Neighbor: Rain Barrels This workshop covers what a rain barrel is, how to use collected rainwater, what makes a rain barrel well-designed vs. poorly designed, potential problems, rain barrel troubleshooting, and solutions, and the...
Living with Lake Erie as Your Neighbor: Lawncare & Landscaping for Lake Erie This workshop provides an overview of soil health and management, along with ways to implement a natural lawn care system. Topics include soil tests, grass types, proper fertilizer use,...
Living with Lake Erie as Your Neighbor: Cover Crops for Clean Water Cover crops aren’t just for farmers, they are also great for the urban and suburban dweller. This workshop covers the benefits of cover crops such as weed suppression, excess nutrient absorption,...